Institute Info

Institute Etiquette

It should be obvious that the Noӧdynamics Institute takes no interest whatsoever in the superficial aspects of modern society – e.g. its ‘styles’ and ‘fashions’ and ‘trends – but we must nevertheless pay careful attention to the image we project.  Image is the sum total of our appearance, including language, demeanor, and even social skills.  It should be a concern to all members whether or not the practical element of our work and our institute fits the theoretical agenda of our mission.

We live in what has become a pathetically disrespectful and discourteous society.  Yet being gracious and well-mannered in the difficult work we have chosen is essential for the propagation of our message.  The etiquette appropriate to Academia is a valuable tool for furthering our mission.  Our etiquette is a reflection of our ethics. Graciousness and manners indicate a desire to live by high standards, for the benefit of all.  Good etiquette, like a good education, is only noticeable with its absence.  By setting the loftiest example for others, we can subliminally encourage better conduct and attitudes.

The Five Basic Principles of Organization Etiquette

  1. Be timely. Always respond to messages promptly, usually within 24 hours.  Timeliness also applies to  reports, conferences, and any other tasks for which you are responsible.  It is a good general practice   to add 25% to whatever length of time you think will be required to complete a task, to compensate for unexpected delays.


  1. Be discrete. This means keeping confidences of the Institute and its members, as well as others with which you interact in your official capacity.


  1. Be courteous, pleasant, and positive. No matter how demanding others might be, it is important to be courteous, pleasant, and positive.  Overall professionalism and projecting a positive Institute image are important goals.


  1. Be considerate of others. Consideration of others extends beyond just members.  We must ever strive to be empathetic to others’ points of view and to give them every indication that we are rational, honest, and fair in our own.


  1. Use proper language. All internal and external communications should be well written, including proper grammar and correct spelling.  Always be sensitive to the implications of language and  gestures – remember that research indicates that sometimes more than half of a message is  conveyed non-verbally.  Our ability to communicate well will be one of the most significant elements  in our work.  Do not underestimate how pivotal communication skills are to success in our mission.

Foul language is distasteful; nor should members use slang or superfluous derogatory expressions.

And always remember to listen as well as you speak.